A lot of Windows users have been using the console for a long time, but don’t even know that it has many commands that give wider possibilities.
First, let’s define what a console is.
A console is the software used to enter commands and display system notifications. A console is also called a command line. It is a special utility that provides support for direct communication between the user and the operating system. The console’s text interface (managing the programs and applications of the OS) is done by directly writing commands in text form.
cmd.exe – this is the main console, which translates user commands into a simple form for the perception of the system. It is located in the folder of the installed operating system and has the following path: the system drive letter: \WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe.
There are four ways to run the command line:
- Press Win + R at the same time and type cmd;
- Click on Start menu, then on All Programs, then on Standard and then on Command Prompt;
Activation from the system folder: The letter of the system drive: \WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe; - Start menu, enter the program name and execute (cmd.exe).
The command line should be run as an administrator. This is because a number of the commands you will need to run through the console will require administrator permission and will not run without it. To start the console in this way, use the second and third methods, namely, right-click on the shortcut, and select “Run as administrator” in the menu.
The default console opens in its black and white shell and is designed for fairly experienced users. It really comes in handy in those tough cases where the remaining commands don’t work. For example, if you need to restore Windows when the system files are broken or infected by viruses.
The basic commands in the Windows console are considered:
The shutdown command: creating a shortcut to shut down Windows. You can use this command to restart or shut down Windows from the console. You can also create personal shortcuts like “Restart”, “Sleep”, “Shutdown” and place them in any convenient place: desktop, taskbar, Start menu.
The ipconfig command: speedy work with PC network interfaces. This utility helps manage your computer’s network connections. It can find the default gateway address, IP address, network connection information used by your PC, etc. as quickly as possible.
The help command: invokes help from the Windows console. This command helps you get help for basic Windows commands.
In addition to the above commands, it is definitely worth familiarizing yourself with those that facilitate moving and copying documents, changing directories, deleting one or more files, and launching any application from the console. These commands are commands such as:
Start: start a program or file command.
Dir: to show the entire list of files and directories on the desktop.
Cd: to change the directory, go to the desired folder on a removable or hard disk of a PC.
Copy: Copy a file or a directory. You must enter the path to the file you want to copy and the folder where you want to put it.
Move: move a file or a directory.
Del: delete a file (one or more).
Md: Create a new directory or folder for the copied files.
Rd: Delete directory.
Edit: Open text editor.
Cls: Clear the display in the console.
Exit: exit the process or command file. To shut down Windows, enter the command “logoff” and to shut down the PC completely, enter “shutdown” with “/s”.